The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst

The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) is where all officers in the British Army are trained to take on the responsibility of leading their soldiers. During training, all officer cadets learn to live by the academy’s motto: Serve to Lead. Other Nations choose to send their personnel to RMAS for Officer training because it is recognised as a world-leading military training academy.
The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst was formed on the site of the former Royal Military College (founded in 1801 for the training of officers for arms other than the Royal Artillery and Royal Engineers) in 1947 when it amalgamated with the Royal Military Academy in Woolwich (founded in 1741 for the training of officers for the Royal Artillery and Royal Engineers). In 1972, the RMAS became the sole establishment for male initial officer training in the British Army. In 1984, the Women's Officer Training College Bagshot was also merged into Sandhurst.
Comprising of the iconic buildings of Old College (Designed by John Sanders and built c. 1808) New College (Designed by Harry Bell Measures c. 1908) and Victory College (Designed by Gollins, Melvin, Ward & Partners c. 1970) The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst is set in a 600-acre estate that straddles the Surrey/Berkshire border. This border being demarked by The Wish Stream, a feature etched in the memory of all who pass through RMAS.
More information about the RMAS can be found here.